Friday, December 10, 2010

Aids Month

How many people must die
How much money should be spent
How much of our efforts
Just tell me how much
How much before you even take notice
They told you before and they told you the truth
AIDS is there and it kills severely
So how much must be said about it
How much before you can practice:-
A - abstain
B - be faithful to one partner
C - condoms save lives
D - death equals unprotected sex
And yes they say AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Today they are saying Africa Is Dying Slowly
But now I am saying to you that Africa Is Doing Strong
Live and let live
The people of the world
Lazarus Moeng

Keep fighting Africa,


To all students this marks the begining of freedom, sunshine, and friends.
for some reason im always found tumbling my thumbs in utter boredom.
i need to be busy at all times, so to Finnish off this significant year of 2010 i've made my holiday bucket list.

ah if only we all lived those lives which enable us to travel the world.
it gets rather hard not to be bitter at times.

Until then, i will be my own hometown tourist

here are a few of my to do's this holiday

The begining of a new habit

Im certain this blogging is going to become an addiction:)
but i cant promise much because well ive tried keeping journals and little girl diaries.. i still have approximately 9 of them.. they all contain one entry each:P
commitment has never been a strength it seems.

But where do i start..