Thursday, January 13, 2011

best of 2010

Best of 2010
Seeing I haven’t been the avid blogger this past year, I’ll just post my personal favorites and perhaps I will get around to uploading the rest later
You see this year I was blessed to be gifted with my first lens camera (Which has been a dream for ages) from my lovely Brother in Sweden (Kegan), my mom (Karin) and dad (Hugh) and my precious boyfriend (Rory).
It is a Nikon d3000
And has been so intriguing and fun
But I lost a lot o my photos recently when my computer crashed. But this is what I’ve saved. Some are from my compact camera I had prior to my Nikon days and some are also from 2009
Hope you enjoy:)

Camping in an uncomfortably hot town
December 2009
compact camera

Just outside our tent:)

 PV's Valentines ball 2010
Sunset at strand 2009
reflections are captivating

 And now my favorite photographs begin. the more experimental photographs of my new camera
oh the bliss:)

Experimenting with a slow shutter speed and torch:)
i had a grand old time 

spinning round and round again

distorted lighting

A personal favorite
throwing stones into a nearby bucket of dirty water
just to see what it will photograph like

 I couldnt help be captivated by my brother and his friend playing with fire.
something about the colours and shapes, the sound of swirling, the smell of spirits...
puts you into an instant daze:)

Walking with fire at your heels.

My Brother, Arron, giving it a try:)

Nikon Lesson
A gift with my camera. I went to Vega school of photography where Nikon hosted a day course explaining all the gadgets and buttons that my new spaceship could do.
I expected to learn more, but it was still rather enlightening.
Thank you Nikon for your help:)

i had very little subjects to work with.
So i left with approximately 100 photo's of my pen, the back of the poor man who sat in front of me, Bonaqua and my cellphone:P


Never too old for scooters:)


Breakfast at the beach
on our way to Hermanus for the day

There's a drastic difference between spiders and there webs.
I'll frantically run away from the eight legged creature, as fast as i possibly can.
But i cannot get too close to it's home.
I find spiders webs so beautiful
especially after the rain.

Golden Retrievers love water.
Chester hates it.
but on this particular day, he couldnt bear to sit on the bank and watch us wade in the water.
he was so excited to join us
but boy was he excited when we decided to leave
Friendly competition

No sore losers:)

In loving memory of the strongest and kindest women any one could ever wish to know.
Ouma Hanna<3
 The day we placed my beloved grans ashes in the wall of remembrance.
Myself, her sister Boena and Lenny, Boena's husband.
Warm greetings

Mom and Aunt Ninnon

 Boena is ever so tiny
She is ever so lovely:)

 Strong like her mother.

The biggest beauty is that of the smiles and laughs that your memories bring us.

The Joy of your memory
 Lights up
 So many faces
 on a day that is meant to be dull.
Be proud of the legacy you left behind
You deserve it, and more.
I miss you

 "Once you have had a taste of what it is like to be like a bird.
you will walk the earth with your head facing towards the sky
Longing to return."
A quote i heard from Rory

 Airshow Cape Town

 Fixated on his dream
i hope you get there soon:)

Alive with Creativity

 Some photo's i used to make a brochure for Grahamstown arts festival.

 Sometimes creativity just hits you.
just a concept i had.
no reson for it.
it just
hit me.

Halloween 2010
Its Not a tradition i tend to celebrate, but this year i had a small get together where we got to dress up and be children:)
its always good to be childish once in a while
i tend to find many excuses to be little again:)

Walk to no destination


A rather windy day indeed.

 Ants make me itch
 Just looking at them makes my skin curl
 i have no idea why i could photograph them..

Strange,fat and amazing:)
the best cat of all time.
 Another questionable subject.
(scratch scratch)

My first painting, in progress.
its complete now.
not breath taking
but not bad:)
i'll post it up sometime

after the rain:)
Proudly South African

Cats are such fun additions to the home:)

A rare delight:)
It is so exiting to see an owl during the day:)
i was blessed to have a mom and chick living in the tree infront of my window.
there home must have been destroyed because they lived there for 3 or 4 days.
just sitting and trying to sleep.
it was a memorizing sight.
i was afraid to get too close and frighten them away, but this is as close as i dared

sitting together
Unfortunately my mom found the body of the baby owl in the road a few days after they left our garden.
its such a pitty how such a wondrous predator is so vulnerable to us and our technology.
be cautious while driving.
your not the only one using the roads.


a suprise:)
My aunt and family decided to sing hymns to some of the locals in the neighborhood on Christmas eve.

Trying to capture the ambiance of the candle light.

 In a state of a food coma after Christmas lunch:)
Lucky shot:)

Hope you enjoyed looking through my lens:)
I'll see you again in the new year

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